Zebra PHP Framework
PHP DatePicker Class
author Stefan Gabos, ix at nivelzero dot ro
version 1.0.5 (last revision: February 12, 2007)
copyright (c) 2006 - 2007 Stefan Gabos
A PHP class providing access to a date/time picker
- provides a nice and intuitive date picker and optionally, a time picker
- complex formulas for selectable dates and times ranges can be set
- dates can be preselected and the datepicker can be instructed to show specific month/year
as default
- the returned format of the date can be set to any formats supported by PHP's date()
- customizable starting day of the week
- supports localisation (currently english, dutch, finnish, french, german, italian,
romanian and slovenian translations are available)
- template driven and highly customizable
- the included template produces valid HTML 4.01 Transitional and XHTML 1.0
- code is heavily documented so you can easily understand every aspect of it
Read the documentation for more information and check out the examples to see it at work!
Read the LICENSE file, provided with the package, to find out how you can use this PHP script.
If you don't find this file, please write an email to noname at nivelzero dot ro and you will be
sent a copy of the license file
For more resources visit